Crown Licensed Plumber Co.

We’ll Make You Forget Your Pipes Ever Leaked

   At Crown Licensed Plumber Co., we make it our mission to provide every client we serve, whether they own or rent their home, with top-notch plumbing services. What’s the point in doing your job poorly? Many people wouldn’t want to get down and dirty working on a toilet or a clogged sewer line, but that’s just what we do. We take pride in our work. Get in touch today. 

Our Service

The question is: what do you need? If the answer is something along the lines of “work done on my home plumbing system,” then we’ve got you covered. We do burst pipe repairs, clogged sink clearing, gas water heater installation, boiler service, repiping, HVAC & heating service, sewer services, and a whole lot else. Give us a call.

Service Area

Boston is where our office is located, but we serve homes throughout Suffolk County.

 (617) 221-5881


132 Dartmouth St,  Boston MA, 02216

Business hours 

Our emergency services operate 24/7.


Established Year in 2003.